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    Jessica Meets Luther

    Please Note: All content on Kinky Clips is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Into The Attic - Jessica Meets Luther

    Clip Description

    Once the interview is out of the way jr has her stand up and begins tying her wrists and elbows together behind her back. Once she has been secured he has her get on her knees in front of luther as he begins drilling screws into the base to hold him in place. She’s never seen luther before and had no idea this was going to be something she needed to do. Jr places a condom onto luther’s shaft, a couple of inches down, and tells her she’ll need to push it the rest of the way with her face. Before she gets started he pours honey up and down luther’s member –and then she’s off to the races. Immediately she pushes the condom down with her face hole to three inches before she gags, states “wow, that thing is really wide”, and pulls away. She’s told to get right back on it and this time not to take her face hole off of it. She opens her jaw really wide and starts to flex it like she is some sort of olympic athlete warming up for an event. And then she takes him in down to a full three inches. She face fucks him, she works her mouth hole back and forth, easily swallowing the girth of luther’s member. She starts to face fuck him hard, working her hole back and forth with vigor. Quickly too. On each down stroke she is heard to make a deep, guttural sound as it fills her esophagus. She spits on it and takes him deep again. She clearly knows how to suck cock, with her articulated throat approach, the way she lets that shaft fall into her mouth and down the back of her mouth, the way she wiggles it once it is in to get just a few more centimeters out of it, the way she uses her tongue as a landing strip to guide it in. Her whole face is wet from cock sucking as jr starts to yell at her to keep it down as deep as possible. To gag on it and hold it there. When she does he has her tell luther how much she likes sucking his cock. You can’t even understand her with that large member stuck in the largest opening of her head. And then he makes her tell him that she wished luther was bigger, that more of his cock was stuck in her throat. She tries her best to be understood, but with that large cock stuck down there she isn’t going to be understood for awhile.

    Clip Duration:      12 minutes
    Format Size
    mp4505.78 MB

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    Into The Attic - Jessica Meets Luther

    Into The Attic - Jessica Meets Luther

    Into The Attic - Jessica Meets Luther

    Into The Attic - Jessica Meets Luther

    Into The Attic - Jessica Meets Luther

    Into The Attic - Jessica Meets Luther

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